Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Launch

Brady was off chasing shuttles again this week. The first attempt was Tuesday night. The launch was scrubbed due to lightening. Bummer, but a cool picture was definitely taken by someone (thank you whoever posted this on the internet).

There were a few more scrubs during the week (which Brady didn't go out for) but finally on Friday night, it looked like a go. It was set to go off at 11:59 p.m. which is definitely late, but Brady and his friend Kent were able to round up two car loads of dads and kids who all traveled out for the launch. Thank goodness it went up! Brady called me about 5 minutes before take off so I could go outside and watch. It was amazing from here, I can't imagine how much better it would have been where he was watching it from! The kids who went (Courtney, Tucker and Spencer) all raved and raved about it the next morning. Lucky kids.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I think this is way cooler than Disney. I would love to see that.