Sunday, October 21, 2007

Early Morning Seminary

Wow! Didn't realize it had been so long since I'd last "blogged." Life has been busy. Brady and I have been subbing an early morning seminary class. I have a new respect for volunteer teachers! It was so hard to prepare for about three hours every time I had to teach. I know it didn't take Brady nearly that long, but it stressed me out that the preparation took so long for me. Gratefully, Brady did every other day so I had two days to prepare. We have to do Monday and Tuesday of this next week and then the regular teacher is back! Yeah! It will feel good to sleep in (at least until 6:00).


Joanna said...

I told Chris never to ask me to sub because I would never do it. :)

AF Nixons said...

Good...stick to your guns! I get exhausted just thinking about doing it one more time...then a field trip with first graders right after subbing. Ugh.