Sunday, May 24, 2009

Birthday Girl

My birthday girl is looking for her birthday blog...

I've been so busy getting ready for and celebrating this blessed day, I haven't even sat down at the computer to give my Ode to Courtney.
But, alas, here it is.
12 Things I Love About Courtney:
(in no particular order)
1. She is a natural leader. Here she is getting the Leadership Award in 5th grade.

2. She is NOT a picky eater (thank goodness! One out of five!)

3. There is just something sweet about her. People have said that about Courtney from the time she was about two years old, and 10 years later, it's still true!

4. She's always good to come up with something to entertain her brothers during "quiet time" every Sunday (the "stair jumping" episode was all her idea).

5. She's not afraid of bugs. If a lizard gets in the house (believe me, it happens) she's the first one I call. I know she's not afraid to hunt him down and throw him out.

6. She gets excellent grades.

7. She loves to have fun.

8. She has a thing for monkeys...she just always has (remind you of someone, Andrea??)

9. Sometimes she still lets me do her hair. This isn't my do, it's a Libby Lu do, but she likes me to put her hair in pink sponge curlers sometimes, and she let's me french braid it too!

10. She makes us laugh. And laugh and laugh.

11. She feels the Spirit easily.

12. She has a fun and funky style that is all her own.

Our house would be dull and quiet without Courtney around. Happy birthday girlfriend!


nixon5 said...

happy birthday courtney!!! Hope its a great one.

Hydes said...

Hope you have a very Happy Birthday Courtney! We love you.