Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Baby

Six things I love about JORDAN:

1. He is an equal-opportunity hugger. He is always very good about giving me a hug, then giving Brady a hug. If he gives Brady a kiss, he gives me a kiss. Makes us both feel so loved!

2. He still loves to climb up on my lap. He sits on my lap every morning for scripture reading so I can help him with the words. It's a great way to start my morning.

3. He's a boy of many talents, whether it's doing the splits or creating a masterpiece with his toys!

4. He's all Floridian - through and through. He might have been born in Arizona, but this boy loves the beach, the Florida Gators, and even catching the lizards that are plentiful around our yard.
The shirt is one of today's birthday presents

5. My plan was to have a girl at the end. So, even though my plan didn't work out, I'm glad Jordan doesn't mind playing dress-up.

6. He's a born leader. I've known that about him since nursery!

Happy Birthday Jordan!


nixon5 said...

Hope you had a great birthday Jordan.

Chapman Herd said...

Happy Birthday Jordan!

Hydes said...

Happy Birthday Jordan, we are so glad you got a Gators shirt!!!

Joanna said...

happy birthday Jordan. May 4th is the best day ever!