Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Cannery

We took the kids to the cannery tonight and darn it, I forgot my camera. It would have made you laugh to see five kids in hair nets and blue gloves. It was a hoot. Their favorite thing was breaking the spaghetti in half to put it in the cans. They were able to scoop the popcorn (which we brought to can) and the macaroni into cans. They liked that too, but mostly they just wanted to break spaghetti. Their second favorite thing was mopping the floor. They were pushing that big cotton mop around like it was a ride at Disney World. I'm wondering if they will line up like that next time I get the mop out...somehow I don't think so! The funniest thing was when we went to Sam's Club afterwards and the boys wore their hair nets and gloves into the store! We get stared at on a normal day with five kids, but you should have seen it with three of them in hair nets! It was just plain embarassing, but oh well. The boys thought it was great fun. On the way home Jordan said, "Thanks mom and dad for taking us there" so it must have been a hit. Usually they only say "thanks" on their own for really big things, like the surprise trip to Wet N' Wild. So, I guess we'll have to go back sometime!

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