Sunday, February 17, 2008

Water Hose and 3 Boys

Saturday Brady gave the boys the assignment to clean the green mildew off the white mailbox post (doesn't that sound lovely...that's Florida humidity for ya!). I walked out the front door and saw this and I ran to get my camera. I thought the three boys all holding on to the hose was a priceless picture. Now that's teamwork.

Then they turned around and gave me a cute smile. The joy (and oftentimes mischief) of three boys!


nixon5 said...

too cute! that is a priceless picture.

Joanna said...

I can't stand how cute your boys are. There is a little boy in our ward who is 3 and looks so much like Jordan.

Traci said...

Those pictures are so cute. I love it. What a good mom you are to do all that for V-Day. I was so sick with the flu I didnt even make my kids breakfast. Oh well, they still got something delivered to them at school. Hope you have a good day.