Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chaufeurin' Celebrities

Yesterday was Time out for Women in Orlando. I got to wear this name badge:

I was basically a door greeter and handed out programs to everyone. But BRADY, well, he got to be one of the official chauffeurs and drive some of the presenters from the airport to the hotel. He and Courtney drove Michael McLean on Thursday and

Mark Mabry (of Reflections of Christ fame) on Friday

He was supposed to drive a few presenters on Saturday from the Convention Center back to the airport, but I was already there at the event and would pass right by the airport on my way home, so I volunteered to drive Wendy Ulrich

and Chieko Okasaki back, plus two of their guests back to the airport.

Chieko pictured here with Hillary Weeks, who I did NOT drive, but she was at our event.

When I told the lady from Deseret Book that I would drive them back she said, "Great. You know how to get to the airport from here without any trouble, right?" "Right," I said. Then I quick called Brady to double check my directions. I was a little nervous about which turn I took to get on the toll road (you know, the freeway that's not free) to the airport, but I was pretty confident about which turn it was. Oooooh, I was so wrong though. I took the road heading WESTBOUND and needed the EASTBOUND one. I just wanted to die. Here I am with four ladies in my car - two of them Mormom Celebrities! and they have a flight to catch in an hour and I just took a wrong turn. I made them scrounge around in my tote bag looking for my cell phone so I could call my personal GPS and find out what in the heck to do.

I was trying to remain calm, but really I was sweating bullets. Brady helped me figure out what to do (it's not like in Utah where you can just get off the next exit and turn around. Oh no, not here in Florida where the streets are set up like a maze!) and eventually, we got on the right road. By then, I couldn't even make conversation, I was just watching the road so I didn't make any more wrong turns. And I wanted to crawl in a hole.

I eventually got them all to the airport and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Next time I'm going to leave the chauffeuring to Brady and I'll stick to handing out programs. I'm good at that.


The Nixon Two said...

I'm sorry but I just had to laugh. That is so like something I would have done. And every thing turned out didn't make them miss their flight back home.. but if you had you may have had a few guests for the night :)

The Nixon Two said...

It could have been President Monson in the car!!