Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Utah in a Weekend

While traveling over 2,000 miles for three days isn't exactly my idea of a "vacation," I didn't have to cook one meal, got to do some shopping with my mom and sisters, spent the night in a hotel with my hubby, and read until my heart's content on an airplane so I guess I can't complain.

We were in Utah last weekened for our efy training - getting us pumped, excited and informed about our upcoming efy session this summer. Brady and I will be at the St. Petersburg (Tampa) session, a change from our usual U of U session. I'm looking forward to it because we'll be able to bring Meghann and her friend with us. Now...if we can just figure out what to do with the other four kids we'll be all set.

(by the way, I googled "efy byu" for a nice logo type picture to insert here and only found about 500 participant photos to sift through so no picture!)
However, here are some great pictures I stole from my sister Denise's blog. Thanks for having your camera so handy. The only time I took mine out all weekend was to video my niece Jayden doing a cheer for me (she just made cheerleader at CHS - go Jayden!) But I thought she might kill me if I posted it on my blog. I dunno though, it might be cute. I haven't even watched it back yet, but watch out Jayden, I just might post it on YOUR facebook next April fools!
Here we are eating lunch at Five Guys Burgers & Fries. All I can say is "Mmmmmmmm. So delish." It was the best.

Brady joined me on Friday and we were off to be spiritually fed and uplifted at efy training. It was fun to be together again after being apart for only one day. He stayed with the kids on Thursday and was Mr. Mom. He did EVERYTHING on the "honey do" list including go to the grocery store, the dry cleaner, make sure all laundry and sweeping got done (thanks my wonderful girls for doing it), print and bring me some talks I had forgotten to do before I left, and the list goes on an on. He's amazing. So, we had a great time being together without kids. I love it when we get to get away.
I flew home on Saturday to be with the kids on Easter, Brady stayed and spent Easter with his family. The kids had a great time while we were gone with their friends. We sure have wonderful friends who will take extra kids on the tail end of spring break AND Easter weekend.
As always, it was good go be back home. That is...until I had to wake up Monday morning and realize that the laundry, dusting and cooking were waiting just for me. Ahhh...the life of a domestic diva.


Joanna said...

we LOVE Five guys!!

TaYloRcD5 said...