Tuesday, December 23, 2008

McDonalds, Anyone?

So, tonight as the smell of these beautiful babies begins wafting through the house:

and as I begin chopping vegetables for homemade turkey noodle soup, COMPLETE with homemade noodles:

(five points if you recognize that box in the corner of the picture)

(aren't those funny looking noodles on the cupboard? They look much better in the soup!)

(continue story) Tucker says, "Mom, what's for dinner?" When I tell him homemade turkey noodle soup COMPLETE with homemade noodles AND cinnamon rolls for dessert he says,

"What??? I wanted McDonalds!"

I had to deduce that McDonalds at our house = a real treat. A delicious, home-cooked meal? Not so much...
p.s. found the cinnamon roll recipe on foodnetwork.com - it's the Paula Deen one and it was DEEEElicious! I mean really. And not too hard either.


Joanna said...

I have never made homemade noodles before, but they look good. That sounds like something my kids would say after making a dinner like that.

** Adrian ** said...

YUMMY!!! I LOVE a piping hot bowl of homemade soup...ESPECIALLY one with homemade noodles!!! GREAT JOB!! It looks DELICIOUS!!

I'm gonna have to try the cinnamon rolls recipe, too! They look SOO GOOD!!