Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snow (Florida Style) and Nativities

On Saturday evening we drove down to Celebration, Florida. This is a Disney-designed community that looks like Utopia as you drive through it. Really, it's picturesque with beautiful houses and big front porches. We drove down for their snow on Market Street activity.

The "snow" is more like soap suds that come spewing out of machines at the top of every hour. The brick-paved side street is covered in the white stuff and the kids had a ball playing in it.
After watching the kids play in the snow (too bad we couldn't make a snowman!), we drove to the church across the street from the temple where they were having a Festival of the Nativity. The cultural hall was transformed into Nativity Central with an elaborate and extensive collection of nativities on display. Here were some of the most unusual:

Soap Nativity

Mouse Nativity

Indian Nativity (love little baby Jesus in a papoose)

Eskimo Nativity (instead of cows and lambs they had seals and polar bears!)

Doggie Nativity

Cake Nativity

Marzipan Nativity

And next year we're going to see if we can get Meghann's very own Sculpey Nativity on display.


Joanna said...

I would take Florida snow any day. I mean real snow is fun, but today with all the snow and wind it is -4 outside and it is only December! OUCH! We just went to our ward display of the Nativity. It was so interesting and we loved it. There was a rubber ducky one at ours. I should have brought my camera

TaYloRcD5 said...

How fun!!!! Those bubbles look like a BLAST!!!! Cool nativity's too, you better not be there next year to get Meghann's in though!! I'm talking to the prophet about that one!! hahaha not really, just praying ALOT!!! So you never commented on my final kitchen wall, did you not like it?

Chapman Herd said...

How fun to see all those nativities! I love that about Temple Square..all the nativities from everywhere! Meghann FOR SURE could do her own Sculpty! She is very Talented!

nixon5 said...

I love the snow. How fun for the kids. I love nativities and still searching for the perfect one.