Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Vacation Coming to a Close

The end of our vacation time...bitter-sweet. I love not having the routine of the school/work week, yet there is something about the structure of it that is good too. This is how the kids spent a good part of their 2-week vacation - in their kid's clubhouse. We moved the van out of the garage and set up a little tent in there. They laid down the foam letters for something soft to sleep on, set up the big screen and DVD player, and we hardly heard from them for a few days. They watched movies, had friends over to the clubhouse, slept out there a few nights and just had a lot of fun.

Here is a sign the kids made for the door heading out to the garage.


nixon5 said...

I love that. I bet the kids had so much fun. We have a "cars" garage tent that our kids just love too.
The best part was the sign they made that is the greatest. Good for them!!

Joanna said...

We would all be dead from hypothermia if we did that and the mice would eat our toes. I need to be somewhere warm.

The Nixon Two said...

Enjoyed looking at all your warm pictures. We have shoveled snow three times in teh past two days. They are using the word "historic" to describe these last two storms. Thanks for rasiing our body temperatures somewhat