Friday, January 18, 2008

Helping the Democratic Process

I didn't say the Democratic PARTY, I said the Democratic PROCESS. I'm all for Mitt. But anyway, I volunteered as a poll worker for the upcoming elections. Florida holds primaries on January 29th so I'll be working from 6:00 a.m. until about 8:00 p.m. Plus two sessions of training before that! Good thing I love my country, my government, and my presidential hopeful. I've actually always wanted to be a poll worker. My love affair with government began when I was 18 and traveled to Washington D.C. with the Close Up program - getting a "close up" look at how government works. Anyway, here I am, now a middle-aged mom giving people their "I Voted" sticker, helping the disabled use the touch screen voting system, helping people feed their secret ballot into the counting machine and whatever else I'll be doing that day! Doesn't it sound fun?


Amy said...

Florida is lucky to have you! Way to go!

nixon5 said...

Way to go stephanie!! What a women. Hope you have fun. Let us know how it went. You are amazing.
Thanks for everything.

Joanna said...

Amazing. I never knew this about you and never would have guessed. Good for you.