Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Did you know that power sanding is addicting? It has to be...I was able to get four kids to leave the Wii and come outside on a Saturday afternoon to help me sand, with the promise that they could take turns with the power palm sander (the fifth child was feeling a little too prissy for sanding so we put her on clean up - wiping down all bike seats after we were done).

My friend gave me two dressers that were PINK - definitely not going to work for my boys who needed dressers. So, we sanded down the pink and found a white coat of paint. I was going to just paint over the white, but I'm telling you, it is addicting! The more I sanded and chip by chip, cut through the white to see the gorgeous wood, I was hooked. I couldn't stop until I had every last bit (okay, almost every last bit) of white off.

Here's a cute picture. My friend, Dina, fell in love with Scott in high school. She's had these dressers since then too and when I cut through the pink paint I saw "I heart Scott" in fingernail polish on the side of the long dresser. She married that Scott so I have to send her this picture!

Now that I have the paint almost off, I'm in a delimma about what color to paint them. I want something neutral and that will be in vogue for a long time - nothing too trendy. I am looking at these two: Mississippi Mud (top) and Carriage Door (bottom). They don't look too different here on my screen, but one is more of a brown tone and the other more of a green tone. Any ideas??? Also, what can I put over the paint to keep it from getting scratched up? I was going to go with a satin finish paint because I don't want them real shiny. I wasn't sure if I wanted a polyurethane over that because that would give me the shine I'm trying to avoid. Any ideas you wood-workers out there???


TaYloRcD5 said...

I vote the top color. I am with you on the addiction. I LOVE to use the power sander!!! I kinda feel a little bit of that inner destruction coming out when I do it. hahaha So fun that all of the kids helped you. Good for them. Can't wait to see the finished pictures.

K Bailey said...

I think the color with more brown in in than green will match better with different walls/carpets/blankets/such. Greens are harder to match than browns......

Joanna said...

yeah you need to call Liseanne. Can you just sand it nice and stain it? If not I like the first color the best. I need a power sander. I want to use it on my kitchen cupboards. It would probably be SO messy though.

The Nixon Two said...

Let those who dresser it will be decide the color and then let them paint it!!??

The Nixon Two said...

In my bathroom took all the Pink paint off and I even bought a power belt hand sander. WOW it really removes the paint. I then stained them. and I like the grain showing...through the only thing, I wished I'd have used a lighter stain/varnish in such a little room.
So I would have to say I agree with Liseanne... If the wood looks good just stain it then you won't have to worry if it will be in style in a few years.
Just a thought.