Wednesday, January 21, 2009


So, overnight low temps last night were about 28 and tonight they're predicitng overnight lows of around 24.

I know, for those of you who reach zero and below in the winter, 24 might sound balmy. But, I tell you, here in Florida those numbers are news-breaking! It's all anyone is talking about!

Covering their plants,

breaking out the moon boots and winter parkas

Brrrrrr. We're doin' our best to stay warm!


Joanna said...

that is cold! Too bad it won't snow for poor Jordan!

nixon5 said...

WOW that is cold. i bet you are fffreeezing there. Good luck and drink lots of HOT chocolate

TaYloRcD5 said...

Hahahaha that is funny!!! You think your cold? We are FrEeZiNg!!!! Want me to send you some winter coats and snow bibs???