Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Full Circle

Sea World was the first park we had passes to the year after we moved here...and we've come full circle. Since that first year we've done Disney World, Universal, Wet N' Wild, and on Saturday we went back to Sea World! Here's a picture of the kids back in 2004 when we had passes. I can't believe how little they were!

And here are some pictures from Saturday. We were in the second row at the Shamu show, also known as the Soak Zone, and yes, we got soaked! But it was a hot day and it felt GOOD!

Brady and the girls rode Kraken a few times (the big roller coaster) but Tucker breathed a sigh of relief when he wasn't quite tall enough! I think he takes after his mom when it comes to roller coasters... :)


The Nixon Two said...

Wow! Four years sure does a lot to children. I find it hard to believe they were that small 4 years ago. They are still the best looking kids in the whole state of Florida!!

Joanna said...

WOW! Your kids do look so little. Meghann reminds me of Emily. How fun and lucky for you all do do such fun things. Which one was your favorite?

nixon5 said...

how fun K next stop FLORIDA.
Your kids look like they have so much fun.

Meg and Jeremy said...

Looks like a lot of fun!

TaYloRcD5 said...

How fun!!!!! Look how little Jordan is. It looks so fun!!!! See you soon!!!!