Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Very Long Dinner

On Friday night I went to the Melting Pot with my three friends and past co-horts in Primary. What is a co-hort anyway and how do you spell it? Anyway, we were celebrating my release (that sounds funny, huh?), my friend Dina's birthday (she's the President), and just basically having a lot of fun together. We left about 7:00 and I didn't get home until midnight!!! If you've eaten at a fondue place, you know it's a long process from first course to dessert...and what a yummy meal! I loved the cheese fondue, especially the swiss, loved the Caesar salad, liked the meats and of course, LOVED the chocolate fondue! We dipped marshmallows, brownies, bananas, strawberries, pound cake, rice krispy treats, and I can't remember what else! It was so delicious.
Here is a picture of the dish towel I made for Dina's birthday. It's perfect for her since she has a housekeeper and doesn't do much vacuuming! :) If you can't read it because it's kind of small it says, "I'm not going to vacuum until Hoover makes one I can sit on." he he he

And here is a picture of the blueberry bush they gave me as a "going away" present. And that's after the flowers on Sunday! I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable...but I can't wait to get that blueberry bush in the ground and start eating off of it! :)

It actually came with several blueberries on it...until Tucker discovered them and ate them all!


Joanna said...

I LOVE that towel. There are so many of those Dolly Mamas I want. I guess I need to make something to enter in the contest.

I have never heard of the melting pot, but it sounds FABULOUS!

allredclan said...

I am super jealous of that blueberry plant!!! We can't grow them here because the soil isn't right for them and they are moody plants. Enjoy it for me!

allredclan said...

Oh! I forgot to mention The Melting Pot! Mike and I went to the one here in SLC a few years ago and it was quite the experience! It was a fun and different way to eat. Loved it! Very cute towel, too. =)