Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Flirteen...I Mean Thirteen

Yikes! Today I am the mother of a teenager! Meghann turns thirteen today, or as I heard it said once, flirteen. Thank goodness she's not that "flirty" yet. Hopefully she will think boys have the cooties for at least a few more years. 10 more years would be nice! As I was looking for older birthday pictures of Meghann, I realized that our digital camera years didn't start until she was probably 5 or 6 so all of her baby pictures are in photo albums, but not scanned onto the computer so I don't have any of her cute baby pictures to post. I also realized that I don't even have one of her with her cake every year like I do the other kids...and she's my first child! I'm supposed to have 1,000 pictures of her and only 100 of the other kids, right?'s a few anyway.

For her 12th birthday she wanted a carrot cake. She didn't like the walnuts in it though.

Her 9th birthday was celebrated at Aunt Joanna and Uncle Chris's house in New York. We went to Niagara Falls and even hauled gifts over to the Canadian side so she could open one at lunch. Joanna, remember when we almost got arrested for kidnapping since we were trying to take 9 kids across between the two of us (or was it 8?)...okay, not actually arrested but they were sure curious at the crossing station!

On our "party years" Meghann and Courtney oftentimes have a party together...a little less work for me!

She had this gorgeous white-blonde hair that would make everyone stare and comment. She still has beautiful hair and still gets lots of comments!

This was her first lost tooth.

This is why we call her Goldilocks!

Happy Birthday Meghann!


Joanna said...

Let me be the first to wish you HAppy Birthday Meghann!!! HAve a great day!

I tell that story all the time Stephanie. I LOVE it! Though at the time it wasn't funny!

TaYloRcD5 said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEG!!!!!! You are such a pretty young lady. I can't believe you are 13!!! I miss you so much and can't wait for you to come to Utah this summer. Love you all and miss you!!!!

allredclan said...

Meghann!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luv U ans miss U!!

The Nixon Two said...

Happy Birthday Meghann!!!!!
birthdays are fun days to remember all the different times in our life.
Love and miss you. We're looking forward to seeing you all this summer.