Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A New Calling

On Sunday I was released from my calling as Primary Secretary. I will miss it so much! I loved being in Primary with my kids and I absolutely loved the ladies that I worked with! We became such good friends from working together and it was more than just a calling for us. I will miss that contact each week, but that is the nature of working in the church, right? Always a change in store...

So my new calling is the 2nd counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I'm excited to get to know some new ladies (I had never even met the president) and get out and visit all the wards in our stake. Actually, the visiting will be a challenge because of Brady's Sunday meetings, but somehow we'll make it work.

My old presidency gave me these beautiful flowers on Sunday and the kids sang my favorite primary song to me. You'd think I had a terminal illness or something with all the tears going around!


Meg and Jeremy said...

Oh those are such pretty flowers! I'm sure they will miss you tons in primary. It's a great calling, I was just called as first counselor in our ward and am so excited to be in primary, especially since both my kids are there. Good luck with your new calling!

nixon5 said...

Congratulations! You do so good in anything you do so I know you will be great. What a nice gift of flowers

Joanna said...

when I was released from the primary I cired like a BABY!!! It was so hard. They sang my favorite song which made me cry more! I loved the people I worked with and a few of them are my dearest friends here. I love callings! (most of them:) )
Good luck in your new calling!

The Nixon Two said...

Wow! Congratulations!!! I know you'll do a great job at your new calling. It's hard to make changes in the church when you have a wonderful relationship with those you work with. You'll do great.

allredclan said...

I seriously went into a depression when I was released from the Primary years ago. I cried for days. Working in the stake is a lot of fun because you get to know all of the other wards presidencies and such. It's not nearly as much work as the ward callings, but still the blessing of being in Primary. =) Enjoy!