Sunday, February 22, 2009


After having company for four days, we quickly switched gears, delivered five kids to friends and Brady and I headed to Georgia for our husband/wife conference. We were in Norcross to be exact, at the Simpsonwood Conference Center.

We had a nice time but I'm telling you, six meals of their cafeteria food was about five too many. My tummy hurt the whole way home (and that's an eight hour drive!). It's always fun to get away with my honey, cafeteria food or not.

I'd blog more, but I'm going to bed. I'm nursing a mean cold and I have to speak at our Stake Women's conference on Saturday. I'm praying my voice comes back (or should I pray for the opposite??? It's hard to decide).

1 comment:

The Nixon Two said...

It always good to get away just the two of you. It makes us appreciate our kids when we get back.
Hope you're feeling better.