Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Last week I started working here:

Since I still have kids at home I'm classified as a "volunteer" rather than an "ordinance worker." I'll work once a month. My first day was rather long, I must admit. I'm used to being on the go during the day and to just slow down, smile, greet people, enjoy the peace and quiet of the Celestial Room, well, it was definitely a change of pace for me. But, I'm excited about being able to do it each month

(I even got me a pair of REAL white shoes - not just the slippers! Is that official or what?).


Joanna said...

what a great thing to do. I didn't know you could volunteer. I will have to remember that in a few years.
How nice to be there all day.

TaYloRcD5 said...

How awesome!!! I wish I could do that. I think that would be so neat to do. Maybe when I am old like you......hahaha just kidding.

Bekah: said...

What an amazing experience. Enjoy the time to feel peace!

The Nixon Two said...

You are lucky to be able to spend all your time in the Celestial Room. We only get to spend an hour there when we have that assignment and that assignment does not come too often.