Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Brady was asked to speak at a fireside at the Church ranch a month or so ago. Then it was rescheduled to this past Sunday night (someone didn't check the calendar...Brady was up against the Superbowl!). There was talk of postponing again because of the game, but it was finally decided that the show would go on (the fireside show that is, not the OTHER show which was definitely going on).

So, we took the whole family and went out to the ranch where we had a lovely dinner before the fireside. BUT, just as we were all gathering to say the blessing on the food, Brother Jacobson anncounced that not only was Brady competing against the Superbowl, but THIS star

was in town and had agreed to give a musical fireside just 20 minutes down the road! The whole stake was invited to attend, but the ranch ward declined. News of David Archuleta being in town was buzzing all around the ward at the ranch but the bishop was insistent that Brady's fireside would go on.

But...wouldn't you know it, there was a GREAT crowd there and Brady gave an awesome fireside on the influence of music. He is such a gifted speaker (something I heard he definitely upstages D.A. on) and by the way, who won the Superbowl anyway?


TaYloRcD5 said...

I would have totally chose Brady over David Arch and the super bowl. I am sure he was awesome!!!!

The Nixon Two said...

It sounds to me like a 21 century version David(not Archuleta) taking on Goliath with the same outcome as in older times. However, this time both foes were "Giants" and David was the "humble"(can't determine that by that cheesy look on his face, however) lad from West Point, Utah.

Joanna said...

We know the Pittsburgh won because we were in there on Tuesday just as the Celebration Parade was ending!

Nice teeth BRADY!!

allredclan said...

Um... yeah... I would have chosen little Brother Archuleta...
Who needs to be a gifted speaker when you can sing like he does? Plus I would love to hear him sing the music of the church.

Still love you though, Brady!

p.s. Steph, I think the guys in the yellow pants won the Superbowl.