Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Zion's National Park

On Thursday we took a few cars and went into Zions to do some hiking. Half of the crew piled into the back of my dad's truck, the other half piled into our rental van and off we went. Zions was beautiful! I don't remember ever having been there in all the years I lived in Utah. We hiked up to the Emerald Pools, which I thought was supposed to be a baby hike but oh man! Thank goodness I had Jordan as an excuse to go slow and be the last one down the mountain! My face was BRIGHT red when I got back and it wasn't a sunburn! We needed more water than we had carried and a few snacks would have been nice too, but like I said, I thought it was just a little nature walk so we weren't quite as prepared as we could have been (I would have worn my tennis shoes too and not my Crocs!). It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we did it. The kids really enjoyed it.

My brother dishing up a little breakfast Thursday morning. I had to post these pictures because we were actually wearing JACKETS! It was so nice and cool when we woke up and it was fun to pull those jackets out of th suitcase and wear them (it was the only time we wore them the whole vacation!) Headed out for our hike. Don't they look like a bunch of immigrant workers? :)

My dad, me, Brady at the Emerald Pools.

Love those rugged good looks!

Brady and Stephanie BEFORE we started the hike. Notice how happy we look!

Me and all my siblings, minus one sister and her husband who weren't there. :( We missed you Shauna.

All of the nieces.

All of the nephews, minus one who is on a mission. We missed you Brandon!

The ice cream cone reward at the end of the hike! Yeah for ice cream!!!

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