Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sea World Fun

A few weeks ago Brady was in Tampa on business so I decided to take the kids to Sea World on Saturday. We had a great time - lots of momentous events such as Jordan's first time riding on Journey to Atlantis and Tucker's first time riding on Kraken (a roller coaster that takes you upside down and makes me sick so gratefully the girls rode with him as his "coach").

Tucker, Meghann and Courtney on Kraken. They are on the 4th row from the front.

Jordan's first ride on Journey to Atlantis. We got a little wet, can you tell? Meghann, who hates to get wet, opted not to ride so she could take pictures. Thanks for your sacrifice, Meghann! :)

Speaking of Meghann, here she is looking entirely bored with the kiddie rides. She was a good sport to hang out on the kid's rides with us so the boys could have a little fun.

And speaking of bored, doesn't Jordan look like he is about ready to take a nap here?

The boys and Courtney wore their swimming suits so they could get wet and cool down in the splash park. They had a lot of fun there and Meghann and I stayed cool in some shade taking pictures.

Waiting for a bucket of water to empty out on him.

A few penguins behind glass.

We had a fun day but by early afternoon we were starting to feel a little like these leaves - hot and wilting. The weather was still plenty warm! That is one nice thing about having passes - you can pack up and go home when you're done!


nixon5 said...

How fun and refreshing does that look. I am packing my bags:)I wish...
I love the facial expressions. Parker loved journey to atlantis too. I have to admit so did I. That was about the only ride we had though. So I feel a little jipted

Joanna said...

Oh my those pictures of Meghann made me laugh! too funny!!! What fun lives you have!