Sunday, October 12, 2008


Get ready to laugh. This has happened long ago now that I can post it, but when Courtney first came down the stairs at 8:3o at night (after she had supposedly gone to bed) several weeks ago, the first thing she said was, "Mom, don't blog about this!" We can laugh (and blog) about it now and so can you (laugh, I mean).

So, here's the story. Brady and Meghann were at a fireside one Sunday night so that meant Courtney went to bed alone, which she doesn't like to do and which also means a little mischief occasionally. Well, not always mischief, just not going right to sleep, you know? So this night she got out of bed, decided to get her wet and then brush through it. Sounds innocent enough, but she just chose the way WRONG brush to be brushing wet hair with and before too long, she had completely, permanently tangled the brush in her hair. This is what she looked like when she came down the stairs crying. I tried everything to get it out. (The white gooey looking stuff is hair detangler - it didn't do a darn thing to make it budge.) Then I got the idea to somehow make the bristles super short so the hair could slide off of them because it wasn't going to become de-tangled with those long bristles that the hair had to go around. I started cutting all the bristles with siscors as short as I could get them (without cutting her hair...very tricky!) That didn't work either! Yikes! I was getting desperate.

My next idea, and the one that finally worked was to pull out every bristle with needle nose pliers. Why didn't I think of that in the first place??? Then the hair just slipped off round part of the brush without any problem at all. (you can see the pliers there in the left of the above picture) Oh, I've got to mention though that in the meantime Brady had come home and HE had the great idea to try to saw the brush in half. So in he comes from the garage with a hack saw and Courtney just about lost it. He didn't get anywhere near the brush with it. Wish I had a picture of that one!

So after the brush was free (and spending the rest of it's life in the garbage) I had to pick all those little bristle parts out of Courtney's hair and comb out all the tangles. I was surprised how much hair came out as I was combing through it. I think it just broke off or came out at the roots through all the trauma.
And, an hour later, I sent my daughter off to bed with a promise to never try to brush through wet hair after bedtime again!


CASSIE said...

I have to say that is a bit HILARIOUS! Not at the time I am sure though...glad you got her out!

nixon5 said...

glad you didnt have to cut hair to get it out. Its ok to laugh now courtney but at the time I'm sure it was not so funny.

K Bailey said...

Had to laugh because things happen in our house and Syd said, "don't blog this mom," too!!! I did this as a child-and I think it ruined me forever because I'm always worried Syd will do it.

TaYloRcD5 said...

Oh my heck!!! I laughed my guts out istting in my office all alone!!! I then of course had to go home and show mom and Jayden this, they laughed histarically!! Thanks for the great laugh Court!!!