Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Splits or The Shofar?

Jordan's primary teacher called a few days ago to say they were having a lesson on talents in church and asked me to list a few talents of Jordan's talents. She then told me they were going to have a few minutes to display one of their talents so to help Jordan prepare something.

That afternoon I talked to Jordan about it and suggested he could sing the primary song that he sang as a duet in the Primary Program, or even one of the scripture mastery-to-music songs that he knows. He said, "Mom, that's the scriptures" like, "that's just not going to do." So I told him to think about it and let me know what he wanted to do. A little while later he whispered in my ear, "Mom, I think I know what I'm going to do for that little talent thingy." I said, "What?" He said, "The splits!"

I tried very hard not to laugh. He is quite good at doing the splits and he does it to show off for his brothers and sisters and all their friends. I just thought it was funny that he put this together as a talent he could share for his primary class.

I told him I thought it was a great idea. Then on Saturday we were at the church helping Brady with a breakfast for his seminary teachers. In Brady's office the boys found a shofar. What is a shofar, you ask? Well, according to Miriam-Webster online, a shofar is a "ram's-horn trumpet blown by the ancient Hebrews in battle and during religious observances and used in modern Judaism especially during Rosh Hashanah and at the end of Yom Kippur." Perfect, since we just had two days off of school in the past two weeks for these two holidays! The boys all took their turn blowing it, but there's definitely an art to making it sound. Kind of like blowing a trumpet - it's in the lips, the cheeks, or whatever it's in, but it's not just about blowing air.

Well, Jordan had the most success blowing the shofar. We took it home with us so they could practice some more and Jordan became great at it - at least as good as Brady blowing it. So, I suggested he could blow the Shofar for his primary class if he wanted. Then he said, "Maybe I could blow the Shofar while I'm doing the splits!" Whoa! Now we're getting a little crazy! So, here's Jordan demonstrating his talent. You'll hear the shofar best if you turn off the blog music.

In the end, he blew the Shofar without the splits for his class but it was still a proud moment! Those little 5-year-olds were fascinated.


nixon5 said...

Way to go Jordan. Now that is talent.

Sarah Pace said...

Wow!! That is talent!!
What a cutie! Very clever!

Joanna said...

that is so cute! I love his talent. Not many people can do the splits...let alone little boys! You GO Jordan!!!

The Nixon Two said...

Let the boys each walk around your house blowing that Shofar and see if they have the success of Joshua and Jerico. I am inpressed with the splits also.

TaYloRcD5 said...

Holy Cowpies!!!! I sat at my desk at work and giggled my but off!!! He is so stinkin cute and he totally craps me up!! I love the splits!! They are amazing. He even has his foot turned the right way!! IMPRESSIVE!! Oh how I miss you all!!!