Last year Brady carved a horse (our mascot - Stenstrom Stallions) on a pumpkin and took it to the kid's elementary school. The secretary
absolutely loved it and it stayed on the front counter until school got out in MAY! Then she reluctlantly threw out out. I can't believe it lasted that long. This year, she couldn't wait for October to get here and she put in a special request for TWO pumpkins - one for the school (the horse) and one she could take home with butterflies on it - her favorite.
Maybe one day you'll be back in Utah and he can contribute to the Pumpkin Walk! The pumpkins look great! And I LOVE your van for Trunk or ward cancelled our this year and I was pretty bummed!
Those pumpkins are AMAZING!!! I think carving pumpkins is fun, but I guess I didn't get whatever's in Brady's sister sure did though---she just posted about FORTY pumpkins that her & her husband carved. They're NUTS!! They love it though & I love to see what they come up with! (They do the fully carved ones--not ones like Brady's.) If you want to check them out here's a link to her blog!
I think the President Monson pumpkin is SO AWESOME!! I love your decorations for your Trunk or Treat, too! Our ward had a Trunk or Treat, too--but we didn't go all out...I hadn't ever been to one before so I didn't know what to expect. Next year we'll be a little more creative for sure!!
Wow! You Knew, Brady you are amazing!!
Wow those are pretty impressive pumpkins! When you get back to Utah your family will have to join in all the fun. I can't believe that pumpkin lasted till May. When we were threr in March I was surprised it lasted that long.
this is hard typing with one hand.
um...those pumpkins are AWESOME!!!
Great job, Brady!!! Those are some super amazing pumpkins!!! We just need them here in UTAH on the weekend before Halloween if you would be so kind as to pack up your entire family and bring them here, we would be most appreciative.
It's in your BLOOD!!! =D
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