Friday, October 10, 2008

A Little Paint Job

Ever since refinishing the cabinets last December, I have been wanting to paint the kitchen. We painted the whole house when we moved in 5 years ago, and I just wanted a little bit of color in the kitchen. While Brady was out of town a few weeks ago, I decided to tackle it. Why is it that when husbands go out of town, wives get the itch to do something to the house. Is it just me or does it happen to you (I know it happens to YOU Liseanne!)?

Here are some BEFORE and AFTER pictures:

There are TWO after pictures. On the first one I had painted the pantry doors the same color as the walls, but then it was a little too much gold for me so I bought the lightest color on the paint chip (the walls are the darkest) and painted them a lighter shade. I like it better.

Oops, no before picture, only after.

It's really not's a nice, warm gold color. The neighbor boy came over soon after I painted and stopped dead as he was running through the house and said, "Hey, everything's yellow in there!" It's not yellow! It's a nice, warm gold color. :)


Joanna said...

LOVE it!! My kitchen is a yellow and I love it. Good for you that you did it with Brady gone. Did he know that you were going to do it?

K Bailey said...

You are brave. Painting projects always seem to take much longer than first anticipated.

nixon5 said...

Way to go, you have been busy looks nice.

The Nixon Two said...

I know what you mean.. It's fun to do a project while they are gone and just surprise them when they get home. I love the color, it gives it a rich look to your kitchen. Way to go.

TaYloRcD5 said...

It looks AWESOME!!! I am so jealous. I have been wanting to paint my kitchen for the last 2 years and cannot find the time!!! You are so good to do all the things you do!!!