Friday, October 17, 2008

Yikes! Tagged!

Rules: Thank the person who tagged you and mention these rules on your blog.

Tell 6 UNSPECTACULAR Quirks about yourself and tag 6 fellow bloggers.

Do I really have to thank my sister Denise for tagging me? Lest she think I'm a total loser for not responding, I'll give it my best shot.

1. I have a slight coupon obsession. Not necessarily at the grocery store, although I do use them when I have them, but I refuse to buy anything at JoAnn's or Michaels without a coupon. I print them off the internet at JoAnns and I'll use three or four or five at a time. I get so excited when I can buy something on clearance AND get an additional percent off or something like that. I do really love Publix's (grocery) BOGO sales...definitely obsessed there.

2. I know the best lane to be in at a stop light so you can hose the other drivers. There are a few intersections where you can really move up in the line because of some turn lanes that most drivers are going to move into. The other day Brady was taking me to JoAnn's (where else???) and he was laughing at all the times I told him "get in this lane!" I used to think I was so cool for knowing how to get everywhere faster than anyone else until last night.

I was going to Stake Leadership meeting and found myself at a stop light behind our stake YW president. A few stoplights later, I knew how to hose a bunch of cars and I got in the far lane while she stayed in the first. Sure enough, I didn't see her for miles. About two miles down the road I was thinking, "Hmmm...wonder where Cherilyn is." Then about two more miles down the road guess who was in FRONT of me? Cherilyn! Where did she come from? So, now I'm not so cool for knowing which lane to pick, but I still love to do it!

3. After I brush my teeth I must put on my Natural Ice chapstick. It's the ONLY chapstick I'll use and I can only find it online. If anyone sees it in the store, buy me 10 and I'll love you forever!
4. If I have to sit and watch the TV, I really need to be doing something. I'd much rather be cutting something out (say...a Halloween costume or paper stars for a stake FIG activity or even coupons!) Anything, just don't make me sit and watch TV without multi-tasking. Unless I'm just pooped or having a date movie with Brady...then I can do it.

5. I'm with Denise on this one...I hate shoes and socks. Tennis shoes rank right up there with girdles! Give me a pair of flip flops and I'm happy. That's why Florida is perfect for my feet (but not my heart!) (Denise, I dare you to wear THESE babies to church next week!)

6. Hmmm...if I say I'm obsessed with chocoalte that will be TWO of Denise's quirks that I'm copying and that's just too quirky. (We get the chocolate addiction from our dad BTW). So I'll say my last quirk is that I am becoming a talk radio junkie. I blame it all on Brady. He's an official junkie so when I drive with him we just sit and listen to whoever is talking to us on the radio. Sometimes we have a conversation (when a commercial is on). I listen to 580 AM anytime I'm in the car. First it's Neal Bortz talking about all the political bruhaha, then Jamie Dupree, I think he's more political blah blah but there's some guy in the afternoon that I like. He gives financial advice and consumer watch advice. I can't remember his name...see I'm becoming a junkie, I'm not officially there yet. I can't remember everyone's names yet.

So! There you have it...all of my quirks (or at least 6 that I'm willing to go public with). I tag anyone at all who wants to share yours with the rest of us. Don't be shy, it's painless, really.


Chapman Herd said...

It was fun to read those things about you. I am right along with you on the flip flop thing!

Joanna said...

Chris always asks "Do you really need all those flip flops?" DUH! I loved reading about you and especially how you "hose cars" LOVED IT!!

nixon5 said...

I loved reading all about you.
How fun.

The Nixon Two said...

Thanks! It was fun reading all those things about you. I too love flip flops but I only have one pair. The pair on your blog look like they'd be fun to wear.

TaYloRcD5 said...

Yeah!!! You did it! I'm impressed. Things I didn't even know. You go!! on the lane thing. HAHA I would laugh at you!!